Exploring lesser heard voices. Celebrating Christianity.

Overtones Project investigates the reality of diversity within Christianity and encourages informed conversations about the age-old question of ‘one and many’.


It’s the final episode of Season One of the Overtones Podcast. Christy, Joe, and LaRae are joined by Matt, the podcast’s editor and producer, to reflect on our favourite moments of the season, the major themes that have come through, and the ways God has revealed truth through the conversations we’ve had. Stay tuned until the very end to hear some of what it’s really like to record an episode of the Overtones Podcast.

Contact us at [email protected] and follow us @overtones.thinktank

Read and respond to our call for essays on Christian identity and diversity at overtonesproject.com/editorial

Producers: Matthew Cherukara, Christy Wang
Music by Leon Riskin
Art by Tina Huang


Why Overtones? / Christy Wang

Upcoming in April 2024


Project: Preaching and Politics in Taiwan

upcoming in mid-2024