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Who we are

Christy Wang

Founder and Director

Christy is a historian and holds a doctorate in theology from the University of Oxford. She has published several journal articles on Puritanism, and is about to publish a book, entitled ‘By Love to Them I Cease Loving of Thee’: Journaling Same-Sex Love in the Puritan World (London, Latimer Trust, forthcoming in 2024).

Matthew Cherukara

Researcher and Co-Producer of the Overtones Podcast

Matthew is a Research Fellow in Medical Physics at University College London, and holds a doctorate from the University of Oxford in Biomedical Engineering. His publications and research interests are in medical diagnostic imaging, biophysical modelling, and image processing. He has taught mathematics, physics, and medical imaging.

LaRae Cherukara

Assistant Director

LaRae holds a doctorate in classical languages and literature from the University of Oxford. She is the Head of Classics at Edgeborough School. Her research interests lie at the intersection of classics, theology, and languages. She is currently in the process of publishing her DPhil dissertation, ‘Grace no longer grace: Participant relationality in early imperial discussions of χάρις and its implications for Pauline theology’.

Sarah Ang


Sarah has a background in social policy, and is interested in labour protections and social welfare. She enjoys the poetry (but also the gospel heart!) of the Psalms and exploring how her faith informs political philosophy. She currently works for the government in Singapore.

Sophia Tan


Sophia is currently working in the field of international peace and security within the UN system. Having completed her undergraduate studies in psychology and philosophy before pursuing a master’s in public policy, she believes synthesising diverse perspectives brings us to a fuller, richer understanding of the human condition. She moved to New York in 2023, having previously lived in Beijing, Oxford and Singapore. Here, she has been interested in exploring how faith intersects culture, work, politics, relationships, and more.

Rachael Chan

Editor (The Future)

Rachael is a 2nd year PhD student in Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford. Her research interests are at the intersection of political and cultural geography, and her current project (funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council) adopts archival and ethnographic research methods to explore how Indigenous communities participate in Taiwan’s international cultural diplomacy.

Joe Rhee

The Overtones Podcast Co-Host

British Korean church ministry trainee, engaged to Deborah, choral singer.

Andy Marshall

Editor (Politics and Minorities)

Ilona Brown


Ilona graduated from the University of Oxford in 2021 with a BA in History and German, having specialised in both Asian history and mediaeval German literature. Since then she has worked for a church and a Christian charity and is now training to be a French and German teacher in London. She likes to test out her experiments on her husband Tom, be they food, teaching or writing related.

Claire Lin

Marketing Officer

Claire worked as a marketing product manager in FMCG industry for five years, and now she is a digital marketing specialist in Vision Care industry. She majored in Marketing in graduate school, and studied theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. Claire is interested in Christian-related marketing, and starts to help several Christian platforms to promote their projects.

Lydia Wong

Marketing Officer

Lydia is currently completing her Master in Divinity studies in Singapore Bible College. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing, with five years of marketing experience in the Korean entertainment field, and speaks conversational Korean. She is an environmentalist at heart and has an avid interest in digital evangelism, while enjoying drawing and crocheting in her free time.

Lu Chen


Lugraduated from University of Pennsylvania with a PhD in Biostatistics and spent three years teaching Statistics in the Math Department at Swarthmore College. Lu is currently mom of two toddlers and a member of a local student church in University City of Philadelphia, leading its young professional ministry. Lu is interested in applying her statistical knowledge and data/text analysis skills on issues facing the Christian communities today.

FarFar Sung


FarFar currently works for an international human rights organisation and ​​has a strong focus on international politics and governance. With experience serving in a think tank, he developed his unique vision in policy and advocacy practices and is now turning his eyes to understanding how Christian life can impact modern public issues. 

Eva Yang

Administrative Officer

Onlys Weng

IT and Website Design

A Web designer of Lefthanded Marketing company. A follower of Jesus Christ.

Contact us

Research:  [email protected]
Podcast : [email protected]
Editorial : editorial@overtonesproject.com
General Enquiries : [email protected]